March 9th

I am not one to shy away from any topic, I believe there is truth beyond my own self so that I know my own awareness and ego and try to limit my world around me into logic. There is far too much complexity to be able to understand truth outside my own personal truth’s (which is where people get lost in truth). So I read everything in disbelief until some thing inside me clicks and I need to explore it.

An example of this is that I believe science does in fact compliment God, I believe science is the existence and ultimate proof of God. I also believe that Pi (3.14….) the mathematical equation of Pi is the equation of God. I believe the dogma and religion in the church is fear based love, in which is the opposite in the God i believe in. We have free will and Man has always tried to buy that or control it. God is love and the opposite of fear. I believe when people will get to their “heaven” they will look around and laugh at how easy it could of been, but that makes me sad knowing how hard we have it now. A cycle where the weak are fed off by the strong.


Be like an eagle and fly above the storm clouds


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